Lionscrest, through its relationship with Universa Investments, provides investors with tail-protection strategies that seek to hedge against crashes in asset prices whilst simultaneously participating in upside gains. Over the long-term, asset prices have tended to increase in value yet there have been periods of extreme, sharp losses that have had catastrophic consequences on investor portfolios. The possibility to hedge against these extreme losses can provide investors with the ability to compound positive returns over the long-term. Although extreme events of the Black Swan category are impossible to predict, it is nonetheless possible to measure when risk has increased and the investment environment is less stable.
----- Jeremey Grantham, GMO Charlie Rose - March 2013 Jeremy Grantham speaks with Charlie Rose for a most informative hour where he starts by elaborating on his views on global warming, the environment, population growth and commodities. At 29:00 Grantham provides a compelling historical viewpoint on the markets and, more specifically, at 43:50 he speaks to the current envirnonment. ----- Jeremy Grantham is a British investor and co-founder and chief investment strategist of Grantham Mayo van Otterloo (GMO), a Boston-based asset management firm. GMO is one of the largest managers of such funds in the world, having more than US $97 billion in assets under management as of December 2011. Grantham is regarded as a highly knowledgeable investor in various stock, bond, and commodity markets, and is particularly noted for his prediction of various bubbles. He has been a vocal critic of various governmental responses to the Global Financial Crisis. Grantham started one of the world's first index funds in the early 1970s. Comments are closed.
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June 2022
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