A timely review of the Fed and its policies. The first part of the film focuses on the Fed's history since its creation 100 years ago. Of particular importance is how the Fed changed under Greenspan who actively used monetary policy to fine tune the economy. This is further developed in the second part of the film which focuses on Bernanke and his penchant for academically-derived ideas on monetary policy around money printing (QE) and zero interest rates (ZIRP) - a grand experiment.
From the Publisher: Money For Nothing: Inside The Federal Reserve is an independent, non partisan documentary film that examines America's central bank in a critical, yet balanced way. Narrated by the acclaimed actor Liev Schreiber, and featuring interviews with Paul Volcker, Janet Yellen, Jeremy Grantham and many of the world's best financial minds, Money For Nothing is the first film ever to take viewers inside the world's most powerful financial institution. Click to access the website to purchase the film Comments are closed.
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